Schedule 5

Schedule 5 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act

Listings of Protected Animal Species

Schedule 5 lists Animals Species that are protected under Section 9. Section 9 prohibits the intentional killing, injuring or taking of the species listed in Schedule 5 and also prohibits their possession and the trade in the wild animals listed. The species listed are also further protected from disturbance by prohibiting actions that affect places they use for shelter.
Section 9 has several parts (see below) that specifically protect against killing and taking (9.1), possession of or possession of part of (9.2), disturbance or destruction/obstruction of places of shelter (9.4), selling (9.5a) or advertising for sale (9.5b).

Category of Protection


Animals which are protected from killing and taking

Schedule 5 – Section 9.1

Animals which are protected from intentional killing or injuring. Section 9.1a
Animals which are protected from taking Section 9.1b

Animals which are protected from possession

Schedule 5 – Section 9.2

Animals which are protected from being possessed or controlled (live or dead). Section 9.2

Animals which are protected from disturbance

Schedule 5 – Section 9.4

Animals which are protected from intentional damage or destruction to any structure or place used for shelter or protection. Section 9.4a
Ceteaca/basking shark that are not allowed to be intentionally or recklessly disturbed. Section 9.4a (Whales)
Animals which are protected from intentional disturbance while occupying a structure or place used for shelter or protection. Section 9.4b
Animals which are protected from their access to any structure or place which they use for shelter or protection being obstructed. Section 9.4c

Animals which are protected from sale

Schedule 5 – Section 9.5

Animals which are protected from being sold, offered for sale or being held or transported for sale either live or dead, whole or part. Section 9.5a
Animals which are protected from being published or advertised as being for sale. Section 9.5b


  1. Dr. Margaret Palmer says:

    A very useful site but a few queries about Schedule 5:
    1. Argynnis adippe – full protection since 1992?
    2. Euphydryas aurinia – Sections 9.5a & b only from 1989 to 1998?
    3. Lycaena dispar – Sections 9.5a & b only from 1989 to 1998?
    4. Maculinia arion – full protection (except in Scotland) since 1981?
    5. Margaritifera margaritifera – Sections 9.5a & b only between 1991 and 1998?

  2. Debbie Parsons says:

    The local housing association has mown a bank near where I live that they knew was frequented by slow worms. some of the residents are quite upset by this. The housing association say that they have a duty to keep it tidy. A few years ago I managed to stop the mowing but it has recently re started. Is there anyone who will help me to stop this? The local residents all seem to know he slow worms are there but the association say that they did not see any. Well they probably didn’t when they were wearing their goggles to do the strimming.

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