Name |
Latin |
Date |
Note |
Bryozoans |
Trembling Sea-Mat |
Victorella pavida |
1988 |
Coelenterates (=cnidarian) |
Ivell’s Sea Anemone |
Edwardsia ivelli |
1988 |
broad sea fan, pink sea fan |
Eunicella verrucosa |
1992 |
Starlet Sea Anemone |
Nematostella vectensis |
1988 |
Brackish hydroid |
Pachycordyle navis |
1998 |
Molluscs |
Fan Mussel |
Atrina fragilis |
1998 |
DeFolin’s lagoon snail |
Caecum armoricum |
1992 |
Roman snail |
Helix (Helix) pomatia |
2008 |
With respect only to England and, since 12/08/2008, Wales |
Freshwater Pearl Mussel |
Margaritifera (Margaritifera) margaritifera |
1998 |
Glutinous Snail |
Myxas glutinosa |
1981 |
Sea snail |
Paludinella littorina |
1992 |
Sandbowl Snail |
Quickella arenaria |
1981 |
Lagoon sea slug |
Tenellia adspersa |
1992 |
Northern Hatchet-Shell |
Thyasira gouldi |
1992 |
Tentacled Lagoon-Worm |
Alkmaria romijni |
1992 |
Lagoon Sandworm |
Armandia cirrhosa |
1988 |
Medicinal Leech |
Hirudo medicinalis |
1988 |
IUCN status changed |
Spiders (Araneae) |
Fen Raft Spider |
Dolomedes plantarius |
1981 |
Ladybird spider |
Eresus sandaliatus |
1981 |
Crustaceans |
White-clawed (or Atlantic stream) crayfish. |
Austropotamobius pallipes |
1988 |
Fairy Shrimp |
Chirocephalus diaphanus |
1988 |
Lagoon Sand Shrimp |
Gammarus insensibilis |
1988 |
Tadpole Shrimp |
Triops cancriformis |
1988 |
Insect – True bugs (Hemiptera) |
New Forest Cicada |
Cicadetta montana |
1988 |
Insect – Orthopteran |
Wart-biter |
Decticus verrucivorus |
1981 |
Mole Cricket |
Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa |
1981 |
Field Cricket |
Gryllus campestris |
1981 |
Insect – Moths |
Reddish Buff |
Acosmetia caliginosa |
1981 |
moth, Fisher’s estuarine |
Gortyna borelii |
1998 |
IUCN status changed |
Barberry Carpet |
Pareulype berberata |
1981 |
Fiery Clearwing |
Pyropteron chrysidiformis |
1998 |
Black-Veined Moth |
Siona lineata |
1981 |
Sussex Emerald |
Thalera fimbrialis |
1992 |
Essex emerald moth |
Thetidia smaragdaria |
1981 |
New Forest Burnet |
Zygaena viciae |
1981 |
Insect – Dragonflies (Odonata) |
Norfolk Hawker |
Aeshna isosceles |
1981 |
Southern Damselfly |
Coenagrion mercuriale |
1998 |
IUCN status changed |
Insect – Butterflies |
Large Tortoiseshell |
Aglais polychloros |
1989 |
Purple Emperor |
Apatura iris |
1989 |
High Brown Fritillary |
Argynnis adippe |
1989 |
Northern Brown Argus |
Aricia artaxerxes |
1989 |
Pearl-bordered fritillary |
Boloria euphrosyne |
1989 |
Chequered Skipper |
Carterocephalus palaemon |
1989 |
Large Heath |
Coenonympha tullia |
1989 |
Small Blue |
Cupido minimus |
1989 |
Mountain Ringlet |
Erebia epiphron |
1989 |
Marsh Fritillary |
Euphydryas aurinia |
1998 |
Duke of Burgundy |
Hamearis lucina |
1989 |
Silver-Spotted Skipper |
Hesperia comma |
1989 |
Wood White |
Leptidea sinapis |
1989 |
Large Copper |
Lycaena dispar |
1998 |
Adonis Blue |
Lysandra bellargus |
1989 |
Chalk-Hill Blue |
Lysandra coridon |
1989 |
Large Blue |
Maculinea arion |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Heath Fritillary |
Melitaea athalia |
1981 |
Glanville Fritillary |
Melitaea cinxia |
1989 |
Swallowtail |
Papilio machaon |
1981 |
Silver-Studded Blue |
Plebejus argus |
1989 |
Black hairstreak |
Satyrium pruni |
1989 |
White letter hairstreak |
Satyrium w-album |
1989 |
Brown Hairstreak |
Thecla betulae |
1989 |
Lulworth Skipper |
Thymelicus acteon |
1989 |
Insect – Beetles (Coleoptera) |
Rainbow Leaf Beetle |
Chrysolina cerealis |
1981 |
Spangled diving beetle |
Graphoderus zonatus |
1992 |
Lesser Silver Water Beetle |
Hydrochara caraboides |
1992 |
Moccas Beetle |
Hypebaeus flavipes |
1992 |
Violet Click Beetle |
Limoniscus violaceus |
1988 |
Stag Beetle |
Lucanus cervus |
1998 |
Bembridge beetle |
Paracymus aeneus |
1992 |
Cartilagenous Fish (Chondrichthyes) |
Basking Shark |
Cetorhinus maximus |
1998 |
Bony Fish (Actinopterygii) |
Baltic sturgeon, Common sturgeon |
Acipenser sturio |
1992 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. IUCN status changed |
Vendace |
Coregonus albula |
1988 |
Whitefish |
Coregonus lavaretus |
1988 |
Giant Goby |
Gobius cobitis |
1998 |
Couch’s Goby |
Gobius couchi |
1998 |
Long snouted seahorse |
Hippocampus guttulatus |
2008 |
With respect only to England and, since 12/08/2008, Wales |
Short snouted seahorse |
Hippocampus hippocampus |
2008 |
With respect only to England and, since 12/08/2008, Wales |
Burbot |
Lota lota |
1981 |
Reptiles |
Slow-Worm |
Anguis fragilis |
1988 |
Grass Snake |
Natrix natrix |
1981 |
Adder |
Vipera berus |
1991 |
Common Lizard |
Zootoca vivipara |
1988 |
Sand Lizard |
Lacerta agilis |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Loggerhead Turtle |
Caretta caretta |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cheloniidae |
Green Turtle |
Chelonia mydas |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cheloniidae |
Smooth Snake |
Coronella austriaca |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Leatherback Turtle |
Dermochelys coriacea |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Dermochelyidae |
Hawksbill turtle |
Eretmochelys imbricata |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cheloniidae |
Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle |
Lepidochelys kempii |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Olive Ridley Turtle |
Lepidochelys olivacea |
2007 |
Does not apply to Scotland |
Flatback Turtle |
Natator depressus |
2007 |
Does not apply to Scotland |
Amphibians |
Palmate Newt |
Lissotriton helveticus |
1981 |
Smooth Newt |
Lissotriton vulgaris |
1981 |
Warty Newt |
Triturus cristatus |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Common Frog |
Rana temporaria |
1981 |
Common Toad |
Bufo bufo |
1981 |
Natterjack Toad |
Epidalea calamita |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Marine Mammals |
Whales & Dolphins |
Cetacea |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=All species not previously added. |
Minke Whale |
Balaenoptera acutorostrata |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
coalfish whale, pollack whale, rudophi’s rorqual, sei whale |
Balaenoptera borealis |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Blue Whale |
Balaenoptera musculus |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Fin Whale |
Balaenoptera physalus |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
White Whale |
Delphinapterus leucas |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Humpback Whale |
Megaptera novaeangliae |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Pygmy Sperm Whale |
Kogia breviceps |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Sperm Whale |
Physeter catodon |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Cuvier’s Beaked Whale |
Ziphius cavirostris |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Sowerby’s Beaked Whale |
Mesoplodon bidens |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Gervais’ beaked whale |
Mesoplodon europaeus |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
True’s Beaked Whale |
Mesoplodon mirus |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Harbour Porpoise |
Phocoena phocoena |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Common Dolphin |
Delphinus delphis |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Black Right Whale |
Eubalaena glacialis |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Long-finned pilot whale |
Globicephala melas |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Risso’s Dolphin |
Grampus griseus |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Northern bottlenose whale |
Hyperoodon ampullatus |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Bottlenosed dolphin |
Tursiops truncatus |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Striped dolphin |
Stenella coeruleoalba |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Atlantic white-sided dolphin |
Lagenorhynchus acutus |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
White-Beaked Dolphin |
Lagenorhynchus albirostris |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Killer Whale |
Orcinus orca |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
False Killer Whale |
Pseudorca crassidens |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Narwhal |
Monodon monoceros |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Cetacea |
Walrus |
Odobenus rosmarus |
1988 |
Terrestrial Mammals |
Water Vole |
Arvicola terrestris |
2008 |
Applies throughout GB, but only since 12/08/2008 in Wales |
Wild Cat |
Felis silvestris |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Otter |
Lutra lutra |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Pine Marten |
Martes martes |
1988 |
Dormouse |
Muscardinus avellanarius |
1988 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. |
Red Squirrel |
Sciurus vulgaris |
1981 |
Bats |
Vespertilionidae |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=All species. |
Barbastelle Bat |
Barbastella barbastellus |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Northern Bat |
Eptesicus nilssonii |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Serotine |
Eptesicus serotinus |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Bechstein’s Bat |
Myotis bechsteinii |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Brandt’s Bat |
Myotis brandtii |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Daubenton’s Bat |
Myotis daubentonii |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Whiskered Bat |
Myotis mystacinus |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Natterer’s Bat |
Myotis nattereri |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Leisler’s Bat |
Nyctalus leisleri |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Noctule |
Nyctalus noctula |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Kuhl’s Pipistrelle |
Pipistrellus kuhlii |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Nathusius’s pipistrelle |
Pipistrellus nathusii |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Pipistrelle Bat |
Pipistrellus pipistrellus |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Savi’s Pipistrelle |
Pipistrellus savii |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Brown Long-Eared Bat |
Plecotus auritus |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Grey Long-Eared Bat |
Plecotus austriacus |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Vespertilionidae |
Horseshoe Bats |
Rhinolophidae |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=All species. |
Greater Horseshoe Bat |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Rhinolophidae |
Lesser Horseshoe Bat |
Rhinolophus hipposideros |
1981 |
Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Designated as Rhinolophidae |