Schedule 2 : Birds (killing)

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981


All naturally occurring wild birds in Great Britain are protected from persecution by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 It is illegal to kill, injure or ‘take’ any wild bird, take or damage the nest of any wild bird whilst in use or being built. The eggs of all wild birds are also protected. If you have in your possession any live wild birds, egg(s) or any part of a wild bird you are committing an offence. The birds listed in Schedule 2 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 are however exempt from the general provision of protection. Any person is able to kill or ‘take’ a species listed in Part 1outside of the close season for that bird. Injury is only permitted in the case of attempting to kill. Authorised people can kill. ‘take’, damage the nest or destroy the eggs of the species listed in Part 2.

Variations and amendment history:

All of the species included in this schedule in 1981 were removed in 1992 by Statutory Instrument No. 3010 The Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedules 2 & 3) order 1992

Related Sections:

2, 3, 22.

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