Schedule 8

Schedule 8 the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981

Plants which are protected

Schedule 8 lists plant species that are protected under Section 13. Section 13 protects plants from picking and sale of plants or parts of plants listed in Schedule 8.

  • intentional picking, uprooting or destruction (Section 13 1a)
  • selling, offering for sale, possessing or transporting for the purpose of sale (live or dead, part or derivative) (Section 13 2a);
  • advertising (any of these) for buying or selling (Section 13 2b)
Name Latin Date Note
Sandy Stilt Puffball Battarrea phalloides 1998
Royal bolete Boletus regius 1998
Bearded Tooth Hericium erinaceus 1998 Designated as Hericium erinaceum
a lichen Megalaria laureri 1992
Oak polypore Piptoporus quercinus 1998 Designated as Buglossoporus pulvinus
a lichen Alectoria ochroleuca 1998
Forked Hair-Lichen Bryoria furcellata 1992
Starry Breck-Lichen Buellia asterella 1992
Orange-Fruited Elm-Lichen Caloplaca luteoalba 1992
Snow Caloplaca Caloplaca nivalis 1992
Tree catapyrenium Catapyrenium psoromoides 1992
Wahlenberg’s catolechia Catolechia wahlenbergii 1998
a lichen Cladonia convoluta 1998
Upright Mountain Cladonia Cladonia trassii 1992 Designated as Cladonia stricta
River Jelly Lichen Collema dichotomum 1992
New Forest beech-lichen Enterographa elaborata 1998
a lichen Fuscopannaria ignobilis 1992 Designated as Pannaria ignobilis
Elm gyalecta (a Lichen) Gyalecta ulmi 1992
Coralloid Rosette-Lichen Heterodermia japonica 1992 Designated as Heterodermia propagulifera
Ciliate Strap-Lichen Heterodermia leucomela 1992 Designated as Heterodermia leucomelos
Churchyard Lecanactis Lecanographa grumulosa 1992
Tarn Lecanora Lecanora achariana 1992
Copper Lecidea Lecidea inops 1992
a lichen Megalaria laureri 1992
Arctic Kidney-Lichen Nephroma arcticum 1992
New Forest Parmelia Parmelinopsis minarum 1992 Designated as Parmelia minarum
Oil-Stain Parmentaria Parmentaria chilensis 1992
Ear-Lobed Dog-Lichen Peltigera lepidophora 1992
Alpine Moss Pertusaria Pertusaria bryontha 1992
Southern Grey Physcia Physcia tribacioides 1992
Ragged Pseudocyphellaria Pseudocyphellaria lacerata 1992
Rusty Alpine Psora Psora rubiformis 1992
Serpentine Solenopsora Solenopsora liparina 1992
Scaly Breck-Lichen Squamarina lentigera 1992
Golden Hair-Lichen Teloschistes flavicans 1992
Bearded Stonewort Chara canescens 1992 IUCN status changed
Foxtail Stonewort Lamprothamnium papulosum 1988
rounded pygmy-moss Acaulon triquetrum 1992
Long-leaved Tail-moss Anomodon longifolius 1998
Rigid Apple-Moss Bartramia stricta 1992
Dune threadmoss Bryum mamillatum 1992
Long-leaved threadmoss Bryum neodamense 1998
Schleicher’s thread-moss Bryum schleicheri 1992
Green Shield-Moss Buxbaumia viridis 1992
multi-fruited cryphaea Cryphaea lamyana 1992
Bright Green Cave-Moss Cyclodictyon laetevirens 1992
cordate beard-moss Didymodon cordatus 1992 Designated as Barbula cordata
Glaucous Beard-Moss Didymodon glaucus 1992 Designated as Barbula glauca
Cornish Path Moss Ditrichum cornubicum 1992
Blunt-Leaved Grimmia Grimmia unicolor 1992
Slender Green Feather-Moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus 1992 Designated as Drepanocladus vernicosus
polar brook-moss Hygrohypnum polare 1998
Vaucher’s plait-moss Hypnum vaucheri 1992
Millimetre Moss Micromitrium tenerum 1992
alpine copper-moss Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana 1992
Blunt-Leaved Bristle-Moss Orthotrichum obtusifolium 1992
Hair Silk-Moss Plagiothecium piliferum 1992
Round-Leaved Feather-Moss Rhynchostegium rotundifolium 1992
Blue Dew-Moss Saelania glaucescens 1992
Large Yellow Feather-Moss Scorpidium turgescens 1992
Baltic Bog-Moss Sphagnum balticum 1992
Derbyshire Feather-Moss Thamnobryum angustifolium 1992
Flamingo moss Tortula cernua 1998 Designated as Desmatodon cernuus
Knothole Moss Zygodon forsteri 1992
slender yoke-moss Zygodon gracilis 1992
Lindenberg’s featherwort Adelanthus lindenbergianus 1992
turps pouchwort Geocalyx graveolens 1992
Pointed Frostwort Gymnomitrion apiculatum 1992
Marsh Earwort Jamesoniella undulifolia 1992
Fen Notchwort Leiocolea rutheana 1992
Western Rustwort Marsupella profunda 1992
Petalwort Petalophyllum ralfsii 1992
Lizard Crystalwort Riccia bifurca 1992
Blackwort Southbya nigrella 1992
Branched Horsetail Equisetum ramosissimum 1988
Dickie’s Bladder-fern Cystopteris dickieana 1981 IUCN status changed
least adder’s-tongue Ophioglossum lusitanicum 1988 IUCN status changed
Killarney fern Trichomanes speciosum 1981 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Alpine Woodsia Woodsia alpina 1981 IUCN status changed
Oblong Woodsia Woodsia ilvensis 1981 IUCN status changed
Flowering Plants
Ground-Pine Ajuga chamaepitys 1992
Ribbon-Leaved Water-Plantain Alisma gramineum 1981 IUCN status changed
Round-Headed Leek Allium sphaerocephalon 1981 IUCN status changed
Rough Marsh-Mallow Althaea hirsuta 1981
Small Alison Alyssum alyssoides 1981
Creeping Marshwort Apium repens 1988 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Alpine Rock-Cress Arabis alpina 1988 IUCN status changed
Bristol Rock-cress Arabis scabra 1988
Sandwort Arenaria norvegica 1981
Field Mugwort Artemisia campestris 1981
Pedunculate Sea-purslane Atriplex pedunculata 1992 Designated as Halimione pedunculata
Small Hare’s-ear Bupleurum baldense 1981
Bupleurum Bupleurum falcatum 1981 IUCN status changed
Starved Wood-Sedge Carex depauperata 1981 IUCN status changed
Slender Centaury Centaurium tenuiflorum 1992
Red Helleborine Cephalanthera rubra 1981 IUCN status changed
Stinking Goosefoot Chenopodium vulvaria 1988
Alpine Blue-Sow-Thistle Cicerbita alpina 1981 IUCN status changed
Wood Calamint Clinopodium menthifolium 1981 Designated as Calamintha sylvatica
Lundy Cabbage Coincya wrightii 1988 Designated as Rhynchosinapis wrightii
Strapwort Corrigiola litoralis 1988
Great Orme Berry Cotoneaster cambricus 1981
Pigmyweed Crassula aquatica 1988
Stinking Hawk’s-beard Crepis foetida 1988 IUCN status changed
Green Hound’s-tongue Cynoglossum germanicum 1988
Brown Galingale Cyperus fuscus 1981 IUCN status changed
Lady’s-slipper Cypripedium calceolus 1981 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Lapland Marsh-Orchid Dactylorhiza traunsteinerioides subsp. lapponica 1992
Starfruit Damasonium alisma 1981
Deptford Pink Dianthus armeria 1998
Cheddar Pink Dianthus gratianopolitanus 1981
Diapensia Diapensia lapponica 1981
Dwarf Spike-Rush Eleocharis parvula 1998 IUCN status changed
Young’s Helleborine Epipactis youngiana 1988
Ghost Orchid Epipogium aphyllum 1981 IUCN status changed
Alpine Fleabane Erigeron borealis 1988 IUCN status changed
Slender Cottongrass Eriophorum gracile 1988
Field Eryngo Eryngium campestre 1981
Red-Tipped Cudweed Filago lutescens 1988
Broad-Leaved Cudweed Filago pyramidata 1992 IUCN status changed
Martin’s ramping-fumitory Fumaria reuteri 1988 Designated as Fumaria martinii
Early Star-Of-Bethlehem Gagea bohemica 1988
Alpine Gentian Gentiana nivalis 1981
Spring Gentian Gentiana verna 1981 IUCN status changed
Early Gentian Gentianella anglica 1992 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Fringed Gentian Gentianella ciliata 1988
Dune Gentian Gentianella uliginosa 1992
Wild Gladiolus Gladiolus illyricus 1981 IUCN status changed
Jersey Cudweed Gnaphalium luteoalbum 1981 IUCN status changed
a hawkweed Hieracium attenuatifolium 1992
a hawkweed Hieracium northroense 1992
a hawkweed Hieracium zetlandicum 1992
Lizard Orchid Himantoglossum hircinum 1981
purple colt’s-foot Homogyne alpina 1988 IUCN status changed
Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta 1998 Note on status=In respect of section 13(2) only
Least Lettuce Lactuca saligna 1981
Cut-Grass Leersia oryzoides 1998 IUCN status changed
Welsh Mudwort Limosella australis 1992 IUCN status changed
Fen Orchid Liparis loeselii 1981 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Snowdon Lily Lloydia serotina 1981
Floating Water Plantain Luronium natans 1992 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Alpine Catchfly Lychnis alpina 1981
Grass-Poly Lythrum hyssopifolia 1988 Designated as Lythrum hyssopifolia
Field Cow-Wheat Melampyrum arvense 1981
Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium 1988
Teesdale Sandwort Minuartia stricta 1981 IUCN status changed
Slender Naiad Najas flexilis 1992 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Holly-Leaved Naiad Najas marina 1988
Small Restharrow Ononis reclinata 1988
Late Spider-Orchid Ophrys fuciflora 1981
Early Spider-Orchid Ophrys sphegodes 1981 IUCN status changed
Military Orchid Orchis militaris 1981
Monkey Orchid Orchis simia 1981
Bedstraw Broomrape Orobanche caryophyllacea 1981 IUCN status changed
Oxtongue Broomrape Orobanche picridis 1981 Designated as Orobanche loricata
Thistle Broomrape Orobanche reticulata 1981 IUCN status changed
Childing Pink Petrorhagia nanteuilii 1981
blue heath Phyllodoce caerulea 1981
Spiked Rampion Phyteuma spicatum 1992 IUCN status changed
whorled Solomon’s-seal Polygonatum verticillatum 1981 IUCN status changed
Sea Knotgrass Polygonum maritimum 1981
Rock Cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris 1981
Small Fleabane Pulicaria vulgaris 1988
Plymouth Pear Pyrus cordata 1981
adder’s-tongue spearwort Ranunculus ophioglossifolius 1981
greater yellow-rattle Rhinanthus angustifolius 1981 Designated as Rhinanthus serotinus
Sand Crocus Romulea columnae 1988
Shore Dock Rumex rupestris 1992 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Meadow Clary Salvia pratensis 1992
Drooping Saxifrage Saxifraga cernua 1981
Tufted Saxifrage Saxifraga cespitosa 1981 IUCN status changed
Marsh Saxifrage Saxifraga hirculus 1992 Designation does not apply in Scotland since 15/02/2007. Note on status=Designation is in respect of section 13(2) only since 21/08/2007.
Triangular Club-rush Schoenoplectus triqueter 1981
Perennial Knawel Scleranthus perennis 1981
viper’s-grass Scorzonera humilis 1988
Cambridge Milk-Parsley Selinum carvifolia 1988
Fen Ragwort Senecio paludosus 1988 IUCN status changed
Limestone Woundwort Stachys alpina 1981
Downy Woundwort Stachys germanica 1981
Field Fleawort Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. maritima 1998
Cut-Leaved Germander Teucrium botrys 1988
Water Germander Teucrium scordium 1981
Cotswold Pennycress Thlaspi perfoliatum 1992 IUCN status changed
Spiked Speedwell Veronica spicata 1981
Fingered Speedwell Veronica triphyllos 1988
Fen Violet Viola persicifolia 1981


  1. Hi, I am just a lay-person, interested in nature, and I live near a field which gets full of Fen Ragwort in Lincolnshire. I researched it because my chimney sweep told me that I should get rid of it and it kills cattle, because he is a landowner near by too, but not knowing what I should do I looked it up and am telling you about it in case it needs protecting. It says IUCN status changed, but when I looked it up on the red list it was very complicated but I think it means it still needs protecting, but I am not sure. The field does not belong to me it has been set aside for quite a few years.

  2. UKW says:

    Hi Alison – Although Fen Ragwort is poisonous it is protected – unlike the common ragwort which is controlled under The Weeds Act 1959. That act sets out the basis for action to prevent the spread of common ragwort along with Creeping or Field Thistle, Spear Thistle, Curled Dock and Broad-Leaved Dock as they are all poisonous to horses and other livestock. Natural England is the best contact to discuss this issue. They will expect you to have contacted the landowner. The Cambridge office is 01233 533588. For more details see – Hope that helps.

  3. Roy Sexton says:

    Is Young’s Helleborine still protected as a schedule 8 plant. I was under the impression that its taxomic position as a true species has been discredited. Such distinctions may seem pedantic but their have been palnning issues associated with this plant.

  4. UKW says:

    As far as I am aware the schedule has not been updated as a result of taxonomic changes

  5. Andy says:

    I am struggling to understand which of the species within the list are protected by Section 13 1a from uprooting or destruction, as opposed to those protected by section 13 just from picking and sale. Are you please able to clarify this? Many thanks.

  6. Is the Violet Helleborine, epipactis purpurata, also protected under the Actt? We have problems with people mowing them down.
    Thank you.
    Diana Tennyson

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